Friday, December 9, 2011

Last Call For The Cobra Venom kickstarter deals!

To all those that have pledged, thank you so much.  To those that haven't yet, this is the 11th hour.  After tomorrow (Saturday Dec. 10th) our ultimate deals for the kickstarter campaign will expire.  For as little as $5 you can get the entire album and for a bit more there are t-shirts, downloads, tickets and other exclusive items to be had.  If you're strapped for cash, please REPOST so the word can spread.

Thanks again to all our backers, families, friends and fans.  This is YOUR Cobra Venom record as well as ours.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cobra Venom's Kickstarter Is Coming To A Close...

To all those who have pledged, Cobra Venom is forever grateful.  We reached our initial goal and are now within $500 of our second goal for the band's kickstarter campaign.  The songs are in the final stages of mixing and we're now looking into the mastering, packaging, replication and digital distribution options - all of which are going to be even better now thanks to our awesome friends and fans!

On Sunday December 11th, the campaign ends. So if you still wanna get the new album for as little as $5 and a whole lot of cool extras like merch, additional recordings, CV digital media and even some free passes to our shows for a little bit more, you only have a few days left!

Here's a recent video from one of our gigs in LA.  This song, "Cold War Battle," will be one of many on  the full-length record.  Check it out and please post, facebook, blog and tweet away about this kickstarter campaign and about Cobra Venom.

Thank you!