Friday, June 24, 2011

Cliff 'Em All at House Of Blues on Sunset

It was a truly epic gig for the four nutty Metallica fans that started this band.  Everything fell perfectly into place.  We had great sound, great lights, great friends supporting us and a really, REALLY great crowd response.  Easily one of the best gigs I've done in California.

Check out the Cliff 'Em All facebook page for pics and videos from the show.  Special thanks once again to everyone who came out.

Can't wait for the next show!  'Til then, here's "Creeping Death."


Friday, June 17, 2011

Upcoming shows

Here's a quick update.  My early Metallica tribute band Cliff 'Em All will be playing a FREE show at the House Of Blues on Sunset this Tuesday, June 21st.  Lots of great bands with us headlining near 11 pm.  Here's a flyer with more info.

Also, my California punk rock tribute band Gunt is playing at The Cat Club on Friday July 8th at 9 PM. We're shooting a live video of the gig so come rock out to songs by Bad Religion, Black Flag, Circle Jerks, Dead Kennedys, NoFX, Pennywise and more!

Finally, my original thrash/punk band Cobra Venom has some shows in the works as well.  More updates on that soon.

Have fun out there!
