Friday, September 23, 2011

Cobra Venom in Vegas this weekend!

Cobra Venom is returning to sin city for two gigs this weekend.  We’ll be at Yayo’s on Saturday the 24th and Bunkhouse Saloon on Sunday the 25th.  We’ll also have the band’s first tape, “The Dead Girl Still Walks The Halls,” available at the show.  The tape (yes, the kind that you put in a cassette player) features my first recording with the band, “Invent The Adversary,” along with some live tracks and one of the band's very first demos.

Here are the flyers with the addresses, lineups and all that good stuff.  See you there!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Cobra Venom vs. The World!

Those of you who've been following me on twitter, facebook, myspace, etc. know that my band has been quite busy this year.  We've been gigging all over Southern California and are heading out to Vegas again in about 2 weeks.  We've played all kinds of stages and venues and about a week ago we did a backyard party that was also a whole lot of fun (especially when the pit broke out at 2:22):

This was my first outdoor gig with the band so it took a little getting used to for the first couple of minutes but we locked in, had a great time and got an AWESOME response from the crowd.  We did not get such an awesome response from the neighbors, though.  The cops were called and the show got stopped before we could finish.  We'll just start earlier next time. :)

The biggest event of all is definitely the impending release of our full-length record, which is being mixed right now.  I've heard the rough mix results and seriously can't believe my ears.  Everyone and their mother will be hearing about this record from me when it's finished.  I'm so stoked and also so grateful to be in this band.  Chris, Nelson and Marc are as stoked if not more stoked than me that this is coming together so well.

We have two gigs coming up this week - Thursday night at Lot 1 in Echo Park and Saturday night at Universal Bar & Grill in North Hollywood, so you have options for either side of the hill in LA.  We're opening so come early!  :)