Friday, March 30, 2012

The Starmind Record at the HollyWeb Festival

Last year, I finally stopped thinking about composing and just did it.  Just so happened that the electronic score I had in mind for this modern sci-fi documentary was exactly what writer/director Tennyson Stead wanted to help tell the story.  Much was learned and a lot of fun was had.  Here's a little taste of how it turned out:

Dan Hegarty - The Starmind Record Sampler

This weekend, The Starmind Record will show at Hollyweb.  Come say hi if you're in LA this Saturday at noon (that's when the screening happens).  If you're not in town, you can watch the series online.  Enjoy and remember, The Stars Are Black....

Friday, March 16, 2012

Metallica in LA on St. Patrick's Day!

Well, MY version of Metallica! :) If you're in town, come to Cheetah's in Hollywood and bang your head against the stage like you never did before with Cliff 'Em All! Bring singles too for the ladies at Cheetah's, too.  

Friday, March 9, 2012

Cobra Venom on The Queen Mary this Saturday (3/10/12)!

We're playing with the big boys now.  This 2-day festival includes bands such as All Shall Perish, Carnifex and iwrestledabearonce - all of which are playing on Saturday along with Cobra Venom.  A lot of great bands from LA will be playing as well, including our good friends Panties and some of my fellow MI alums in  Jameson and Mouth Of The Serpent.  I'm very excited about the gig and hopefully all the mayhem won't capsize the Queen Mary.  However if it did, that would be so unbelievably metal it would be worth it! :)